forum galerie-photo
galerie-photo, le Site Français de la Photographie Haute Résolution

 Décès de Barry...
Auteur: P ZELER 
Date:   27-10-2003 19:56

Une information hélas bien triste:

It is with the deepest of regrets that I have to let you all know that Barry Thornton died on Saturday night (25th October 2003) in his hotel room following a seminar. I have spoken to his wife and she has asked me to keep his email open for the time being for anyone who would like to pass on their condolences to the family.
I heard it said on several occasions that Barry was the new Ansel Adams and having known him personally for quite some years now I will not disagree with that. He was quite brilliant in his approach to photography and the results he achieved.

I had the pleasure of knowing Barry personally while many of you only knew him through email. We were all very lucky to have know this man so dedicated to the photography we love so much.

Barry will be missed throughout the photographic world.

Although his memory will go on for many years, the shop is now closed …


 Re: Décès de Barry...
Auteur: vincent 
Date:   27-10-2003 22:31

I am speechless!

J' ai commence a refaire du NB il y a 2 ans, apres avoir lu "Elements of Darkness"...

Barry etait une source d' inspiration incroyable. Il y a qq semaines nous echangions des emails et il me poussait a lui envoye des photos pour son prochain livre, Book of DiXactol...

Merci Barry pour tout ce que tu as apporte a la Photographie, tu nous manqueras comme les plus grands.

 Re: Décès de Barry...
Auteur: vincent 
Date:   27-10-2003 22:34

il faut lire "Edge of Darkness"...

 Re: Décès de Barry...
Auteur: Jimmy Péguet 
Date:   28-10-2003 10:35

Les livres de Barry Thornton sont de bien agréables ouvrages, au texte bien tourné, remplis d'informations très utiles, et Barry lui-même était un bon photographe, un très fin technicien du noir et blanc qui savait très bien faire passer ce qu'il savait dans ses livres, et un homme charmant et très disponible.

 Re: Décès de Barry...
Auteur: vincent 
Date:   28-10-2003 14:07

Il venait de mettre un nouveau kit tres sympa sur son site...

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